Contact Greystone’s Restaurant & Lounge
A place where you can be in the warm company of friends & family.
Tuesday-Thursday: 5pm onward
Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 11:30am-2:30pm & Dinner 4:30pm onward
Tuesday-Sunday: 8am-4pm
Reservations – Call (519) 943-0063 or Book Online
Inquiries & Feedback – info@greystonesrestaurant.ca
63 Broadway, Orangeville, Ontario L9W 1J8
We have two (2) on-site parking lots; one (1) directly off of Broadway beside our cafe, and one (1) off of 3rd Street. Both lots do fill up quickly. There is also street parking off of First Ave, and a Green P parking lot off of Broadway, both a short walk to the restaurant (see map below).